Monday, November 23, 2009

More Gallery Work

Well in the end I did link all of the galleries to the same .js and .css pages and while that did present several problems in the first page I linked, I believe that these are caching problems, probably with my browser. These problems were mostly with the sizing of the large display images, not with thumbnails, where the images expand to the full size of the browser window. This was sporadic and several images came back to their regular size after I shut everything down and reopened it.

All of the other galleries seem to be working using this method, with the exception of the first one, which still has problems with enlarging (thus pixelating) images, but even these work on alternate browsers, so my worry is lessened.

I still have one final problem with the opened images, on which ther is a ~2px grey edge on the right and left sides of the image. These are also present on an alternate browser, but beggars can't be choosers and I think fixing it would require using a different Java generating site: I did check the CSS page for the offending coding, found none.

All in all, the pages are up and running, now the site requires some design aesthetic and some actual content on the bio pages... on my way to

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