Thursday, November 12, 2009

Site Update

I've been trying to install the gallery pages and have run into some problems with the site I am using to write my Java Script. Some of the thumbnails don't work, and when actually implemented, some thumbnails don't work but the large images do. I've moved one of the images to RGB mode, which fixed one of the thumbnails in the example, but not the large image. The image changed over did work when implemented in the site.

There also seems to be some difficulty in copy and pasting from the website While able to copy and paste html and download the zipped Javascript files the first gallery I put in, I cannot seem to even highlight the text to even try and paste it into my gallery page. I'm not sure at all what has to do with anything, but hopefully its just a but that I'm running into tonigh -- too many windows open or something.

These galleries are due tomorrow and hopefully I will be able to recieve some help in regards to these problems. These are not the worst things though, as I plan on rehashing the whole site anyways, in light of the way my galleries are going to be set up: not with CSS but Java - the page will not require such a set layout as the Java script will allow for a pop-up like window to arise within the visited page, and allows navigation of the gallery within that particular page.


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